It feels like yesterday. Waking up in the ICU after missing one critical step on the trail. My head bandaged up, wires attached to me like a science experiment. One moment, my entire life changed.

After my brain injury, I had to learn to re-integrate into life and my brain & body all over again.

...and underlying stress & anxiety just wouldn't go away.

And from what I've found, it's a never ending journey when it comes to health.

Amidst my health issues, I became an activist in my community at a young age. Combining that with becoming neurodivergent, living with PTSD - I really felt the pressure to do something for the world despite my health state.

I had activist burnout before age 30, and honestly there were days it felt just as excruciating as my fall.

I've worked for years re-balancing my hormones to alleviate chronic pain, gut issues, mental health decline, you name it.

My first career is in sustainability - advocating for the planet and communities and in my health journey I decided to go deeper...

I became an integrative health & nervous system coach, muscle testing practitioner, toxins educator, self-awareness facilitator. All to learn more about myself and...

... how to educate others on the link between personal health and planetary health.

I am here to empower you to approach this life with a more truly rooted sense of joy and sense of autonomy in your health.

I do this by focusing on:

1. prioritizing nervous system health

2. reducing environmental exposures or prioritizing 'sustainable, safe & simple' methods to support your health

3. self-awareness practices

Because it's time to get back to a balanced life without the worry of what's to come greeting you each morning.

“I always gain a deeper sense of understanding myself and my impact on the world after I spend time with Heather. She makes the harsh facts feel less overwhelming. After several 1:1s, I have less stress over my health and am able to be more present when I’m with others. I don’t feel like I’m taking work home with me all the time. It’s an invaluable thing to be there with this life I have.”

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Hi, I’m Heather.

I am the founder of soilmadesimple. A nervous system health practitioner & environmental scientist.

I am an avid lover of the outdoors.

Advocate for equal access to health.

TBI survivor.

Proud rescue dog(s) mama.

Sustainability expert & toxins educator.

And, I really enjoy adventures + learning new things.

I discovered that when I tend to my stress and anxiety, my health flows with ease.

And better yet. I'm able to navigate difficult moments with more clarity. I don't let things consume my energy as much.

And I have less of a worry about what's to come in situations, conversation, and moments in life because I feel more confident in being able to hold myself during them no matter what feelings surface.

I am here to share my experiences and strategies with the world, including you. And to help you in gaining autonomy in your health journey, getting better at self-regulation and leading a more joy centered life.


What people are saying...

“I could not stop thinking about how screwed up the world was. I’d stay up late into the night, worrying about the planet. I had no clue that focusing on myself would help with this. After implementing a few of the stress management protocols Heather suggested...I [sleep] better. And feel more energetic when I’m actively working in the community. I feel more alive."

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