Do You Experience?

Mood swings

Irritability or agitation

Fatigue or low energy levels

Constant need to control situations

Low quality sleep

Muscle tension

Digestive issues such as bloating, IB, indigestion


Racing thoughts or mind chatter


High sensitivity

Feelings of overwhelm when you wake up

Difficulty relaxing or unwinding

These Are Symptoms of Underlying Stress & Overwhelm

Waking up with a constant mental nag, or belief that you have to keep 'go-go'going' in life is a norm in our modern world.

It is a common symptom of a dysregulated symptom.

And what the journey to burnout looks like.

Do any of these goals fit your list this year?

A stronger sense of peace

Deeply rooted joy in life

Stronger relationships

An ability to 'let it go'

Not ruminating over things as much

A stronger autonomy in your health journey

This workbook was made just for you then...

Hi I'm Heather.

It feels like yesterday. Waking up in the ICU after missing my step on the trail, my head bandaged up. Once moment, my entire life changed.

After my brain injury, I had to learn to re-integrate into life and my brain & body all over again. 

I've worked for years re-balancing my hormones to alleviate chronic pain, gut issues, you name it...

...and underlying stress & anxiety would not go away.

I became an integrative health & nervous system coach, muscle testing practitioner, toxins educator, self-awareness facilitator. All to learn more about myself and...

... how to educate others on the link between personal health and planetary health.

I am here to empower you to approach this life with a more truly rooted sense of joy and sense of autonomy in your health.

To take what works for you - and make improvements in alleviating stress, in the ways you're able.

Get The Workbook Today